Make them panties WHISPER! #nsfw

As I wrote that title I channeled my inner crunk rap artist. AND my fellow camgirls, pornstars, and the likes;

In all seriousness I wanted to share a panty trick that I learned! SO I get requests quite often for my panties. (as you do as well, I am sure) I never was always concerned with guys wanting the worn, dirty pair instead of a nice fresh undie with a spritz of perfume (my idea of sexy is the latter)…I even received a request for 14-day old panties. OKAY, 1)I don’t wear any piece of clothing 14 days in row, let alone my underwear!, 2) I get that “a scent” is wanted but as my own worst critic I still go “WHY dirty?!”…

Then I figured out a sexy solution to my insecurities(for lack of a better word). There is an essential oil called Whisper and it • Combines with each individual’s chemistry to create a beautiful, unique, and personal fragrance • Provides a warming, musky aroma • Entices and intrigues the senses​

I just discovered essential oils and I thought this oil was one to finally share and talk about! What do you think? Have you sold crusty undies (sorry going for an imagery thing here) proudly or been thinking about it? I would love to hear if experienced knickers-sellers would approve or think this would be disappointing for the buyer!