Pussy tales with Courtney Page

I recently saw a pic of a girl using a tampon to remove her toenail polish. Good idea, but certainly not great.

Here’s great.

Back when I was stripping in Colorado I was having a rather uneventful evening. I didn’t really know any of the girls that well yet and was anxious to make friends. Now remember I am at a sleazy strip club, not Summer camp….don’t want to lose you!

Back to the boredom ( I would soon dismiss), I was sitting in the dressing room and someone (most likely, me) joked/suggested dipping a tampon in some vodka and then inserting it. I mean, “its alcohol so its sanitized”, was my first PRO. ANd the liquor would get into your system so quick! A PROs and CONs list thats all PROs? So I (since I was the bitch that thought it up) and this girl put vodka soaked tampons up our pussies and began a lasting friendship.

SWEAR TO GOD! She is still one of my best friends even named me godmother to her son.

True fucking story.