What is it?
Following four basic rules for filming any content will help you produce only the best content possible.
How is it done?
1. Set up your lighting– lighting is the best way to improve the visual quality of any recording. Use a lot of lighting for indoor shoots so your camera does not have to fight through shadows.
2.Get comfy– If you feel uncomfortable or awkward your video will be uncomfortable or awkward to watch.
3. Do multiple takes– Test for distracting noises. Test for anything in your background sticking out or distracting from the video. Do many takes, watch them all and make any changes necessary.
4. Be genuine– If you look bored in a video you will ruin it for viewers. Judgements or personal opinions about a particular video topic can come through in your acting so be aware of that too.
Tips: Consider buying a microphone and/or a lighting kit.