Mi casa es su casa?

So I am now in my 31st week of pregnancy and that also means I am in my 8th month! All exciting math (well technically 32 weeks equals 8 months) …psych! Like math is ever exciting. Back to the point, which wasn’t math but also wasn’t just about me being preggo. OH! My birthday is […]


Saturday marked the start of my last week in my second trimester, week 27! To KICK things off I got KICKED out of my “living situation” with less than 30 days to find other “accommodations”. Oh! And nevermind that it’s my GODMOTHER giving the boot to me, me 7 months pregnant. Incidentally I haven’t had […]


I came across this image posted in a “model only” area of one my many sites I frequent! 🙂

4 reasons why you might be attracted to my “bump”

First, it’s wrong. Pregnant women are meant to be mothers in training, chaste and committed to motherhood. So for them to be explicitly sexual is hot. It is dirty. Second, it’s known that being pregnant can sometimes bring a period of increased sexual interest, physically. And there is nothing hotter than an uncontrollably horny person. […]

Hack: Courtney Page

I have B.P.D. I can make the majority of people I meet become infatuated with me. Either sex. Not age specific. Not to be confused with “fall in love”. I can’t maintain a stable enough relationship to comfortably lure them into love. The few times I’ve been in love and had the person in love […]

30 things I learned before 30

Now it’s quite a few months before the big 3-0 BUT I am not dreading it like most!  I am looking forward to it more than turning 18 or 21 years old. I am so sick of my twenties. Especially after having my half birthday this past September 22nd! I learned a lot this past 30, […]

Aaaaaaand done. I quit smoking!

I quit smoking! I started smoking when I was about 14 years old. I maybe smoked 5 total cigerettes and each one wasn’t for taking the edge off a hard day of middle school. No, they were for show or “peer pressure” of wanting to fit in with older, cooler kids. Duh. I didn’t start […]


In March, I bought myself a pink butt plug that when “in use” displays a sparkly little kitty face. It is dope. I used it actually only used it once since purchasing it and that was on my bday. (Ask me to prove to you…) I made this week’s content goal be to finally use […]

The Female Orgasms, Will that be for here or to go?

Welcome to Page’s Cafe! Here is a menu and might I suggest EVERY DAMN THING ON THERE? Clitoral- 8,000 nerve endings. Need I say more? (Oh I do? OK, the penis only has 4000…) Vaginal- served RARE, as in very rare occurrence but oh so tingly Cervical- OUT OF SEASON (even I am not belieiving […]

Jersey Chasers: Definition AND What it means to be one NOW as opposed to the EIGHTIES

A Jersey Chaser is a girl who literally chases after jerseys, but with professional athletes in them!A spawn of the fangirl nation, a Jersey Chaser was far and few between due to the 3 requirements in order to “hang” with someone like Magic Johnson.Must be gorgeousMust dress provocativelyand MUST DO THINGS….*wink*Thanks to social media the […]